Enhance The Look of Your Driveway

Action Paving recently completed a driveway sealing job for stunning double-car driveway lined with stunning white interlock. This job needed us to be very precise and have a lot of experience in order to effectively apply the sealant and not ruin the look of the interlock.

The Process

  1. Our team began with a thorough scrub of the driveway surface to remove any dirt and debris so that the sealant could adhere properly. The white interlock edges were taped and masked carefully in order to prevent overspray, a valuable task in keeping them looking their best.
  2. We then applied a high-quality oil-based sealant in overlapping coats to produce a smooth, even finish. The dark black sealant was stunning against the white interlock, enhancing the overall curb appeal of the property.

The Results!

The Results

The result was a stunningly sealed driveway that not only looks incredible but also provides long-lasting weather and wear protection. For driveway sealing work that demands that extra special touch, trust Action Paving to do the job perfectly. Book your appointment today by calling us!