Installing and managing interlocking stone pavement can be a tedious task. Before attempting to do so all on their own, any wiser person would devote at least some time to do ample research about the whole process of installation and management of the pavement. A lot of extensive knowledge, experience, and access to proper resources and equipment is required to successfully complete any such interlock stone pavement project. Many a times, DIY enthusiasts find themselves in a confronting situation while attempting to perform such a skilled task all on their own.
If you have an idea of attempting to install interlock stone pavement for your driveway all on your own, beware of the fact that you might get stuck on an incomplete project, with no idea what to do next. For acute and proficient stone interlocking pavement, however, you can outsource professional paving contractors. But if you are a dedicated DIY enthusiast who is keen to learn the whole process and just do it, don’t worry. We have got your back with our tips to help you interlock stone pavement installation with relative ease.
An easier way to describe what it is like to interlock stone pavements is by looking at the stones like they are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Interlocking stones are pieced together to cover the whole intended surface. Unlike tiles, interlocking stones do not require a non flexible surface for securing. However, a separate kind of bonding material, which is usually sand, is required for interlock paving. A little preparation is also required to make the base suitable for the project.
In other words, installing interlock stone pavement is a lot more than just laying stones flat on a surface. To perform the job correctly, proper and skillful effort is required. If you really want to take a shot at installing an aesthetic interlock stone pavement all on your own, read the following points to understand what do so is all about–
The first step to consider is demolition. Preparing the surface calls for the need to demolish the area that has to be paved to clear it off of any structure and make it plain. Brace yourselves with the right tools to make the process more easier. Equipment like a jackhammer, a small bulldozer or a bob cat, along with some other construction equipment is required to perform the job efficiently. Keep in mind that in order to be able to use such equipment, you should also have the basic knowledge about how to use them.
The targeted area should be the existing walkway, sidewalk, concrete, grass, deck, patio tile, etc. Work your way through these objects with the help of the required equipment and make the area smooth and clean. Make sure there is no residue at all.
To smoothen the surface entirely, you need to make sure that the area you demolished is cleared of any debris. The next step is to flatten it and level it to an even and apposite depth.
You need to excavate the soil a little deeper and add a base or foundation to a surface area to make it more sturdy and strong. The whole point of having a sturdier foundation is for the pavement be able to hold the heavy weight of all sorts of vehicles without getting destroyed. This is undoubtedly, the most time-consuming step in the entire process, even with the help of professional equipment. Using just shovels and wheelbarrows to carry out this work is out of the question and even if you do it, expect it to cause you a lot of unnecessary stress, frustration, and lots of time.
Once the targeted surface area is properly levelled, there will be a lot of dirt, debris and soil left over. Make sure you provide for a dumping service to get rid of all the mess that follows surface preparation for interlock pavement installation. A professional pavement service is likely to provide you with a complimentary dumping service, which leaves you stress free. However, if you are performing the job all on your own, you need to make arrangements for dumping the trash. You might need to rent a truck and find a proper dumping ground where you could throw away the trash and the organic matter (if any).
After all the preparation and the cleaning is where the real work begins. The targeted surface area, thoroughly cleaned is secured with a woven geo-textile fabric. The fabric, which is installed over the excavated area, but under aggregate rock foundations, restricts the foundation base rock from sinking into the clay soil. This helps to maintain the sturdiness of the interlock stone pavement. The permeability of the base, allows water to flow through the pavement without jeopardizing the structural integrity of the pavement and foundation. Once this is installed, a class II base rock foundation and bedding sand is added and secured properly on top. Using the proper rock base material is imperative to ensure an accurate and effective interlocking stone pavement job. If the base is installed properly, there is only little or no requirement of maintenance of any sort over the following years. Your pavement will be secure and ready to hold any weight. The last part is arranging and fitting the stones to form a beautiful pavement.
Arranging the interlocking stones into an aesthetic pattern is much of a creative task than a skillful one. If you cannot decide what pattern to follow, go out to seek some motivation from sidewalks or walkways in the park. The idea is to keep placing interlocking stones adjacent to each other until they complete cover the targeted surface. Compare the stones to jigsaw pieces, which you need to put together in a pattern to make sense out of them. Be careful with your pattern and make sure each one is properly placed and well aligned. The pieces should always be in a straight line. Remember that just one piece is enough to mess up the whole alignment of the pavement. So, make sure that you take your time while arranging the pattern to get the desired result.